User manual mir medical international research spirolab. Easily activate all functions with a simple touch on the menu. We refer all of our clients and friends to spirolab and will continue doing so for a. This is a quick guide on how to set up mir spirolab new desktop spirometer for the first use, including initial settings, first spirometry test and printout with the embedded printer. Mir spirolab 4 spirometer majac medical innovative. Mir spirolab 3 colour spirometer incl 10 disposable turbines mir910650d10 3rd generation mir spirolab 3 colour spirometer is a multitasking and versatile spirometer ideal for accurate and early diagnosis of respiratory diseases like copd and asthma. The mir spirolab iii is a diagnostic spirometer with oximetry option. Mir spirolab spirometer desktop spirometer kahntact. Mir spirolab iii medical used mir spirolab 3 colour portable. Typically the doctor prescribes a spirometry test and is responsible for analysing and.
Full range of mir spirometers including spirolab, spirobank ii range, spirodoc, minispir spirometers. This feature is especially useful in outpatients primary care. Mir spirolab 3 spirometer with spo2 and 10 disposable. Keep the manual on hand for ready reference until you have mastered operation. Mir spirolab spirometer desktop spirometer kahntact medical. The internal software is available in the following languages. Mir has designed and developed turnkey hardware and software solutions for telemonitoring of both spirometry and oximetry. Product without oximetry option s pirolab iii bag s pirolab. May 02, 2018 this is a quick guide on how to set up mir spirolab new desktop spirometer for the first use, including initial settings, first spirometry test and printout with the embedded printer.
Preface the technical descriptions and documentation of the niosh spirometry system and examination procedures were provided by dr. Mir medical international research spirolab iii spirometer user manual free service manuals, fast download, no limits. We are a fullservice design studio specializing in brand development and marketing communications. Precise measurement the proven mir turbine flow sensor requires no calibration and complies with the severe ats 2426 waveforms tested at lds hospital, salt lake city utah. The mir spirolab spirometer is an allinone, portable desktop spirometer with a 7.
Spirolab 3 by medical international research issuu. After the device has been set up it will automatically be enabled for printing. Mir spirolab 4 is fast and intuitive for modern professionals. Ideal for accurate and early diagnosis of respiratory diseases like copd and asthma. Its a portable, durable, and user friendly device that can perform thousands of spirometry tests. Spirolab features a seveninch tft touchscreen and a longlife rechargeable battery that make it ideal for mobile and office spirometry. However if you need to change any of the configuration follow the steps below. Page 71 77 information for correct use in an electromagnetic environment. We work with innovative companies leading the charge in medical technology, biotechnology, life sciences, and healthcare to build brand platforms and help communicate their visions to the world. The new spirolab is the ultimate portable desktop spirometer designed for modern professionals. User manual mir medical international research spirolab iii. Third national health and nutrition examination survey iii spirometry procedure manual westat, inc. The use of a system patented by mir allows you to view an incentivator directly on the screen, which is helpful to improve patient compliance during a spirometry test. The spirolab is a portable compact device for professional diagnostic spirometry.
The spirometers series mir 010 are sold with the spirolab and spirolab ii names. The mir intermedical spirolab is a highly portable and compact solution for diagnostic spirometry. Page 1 waukesha wi 53188 262 5656797 fax 262 3642030. Its a portable, durable, and userfriendly device that can perform thousands of spirometry tests. It has a builtin printer for instant results to share with patients. In standalone mode, clinicians can activate functions with a touch, select range of parameters and print test results to the builtin, silent printer.
The mir spirometers product range includes standalone, diagnostic, pc based and pocket spirometers. Mir spirolab new portable desktop spirometer with oximetry. Mir spirolab 2 user manual free download as pdf file. Introduction the spirometers series mir009 are sold with the spirolab iii trademark. Intended use spirolab iii spirometer and pulse oximeter is intended to be used by either a physician, respiratory. The difference between the two models spirolab and spirolab ii is that the spirolab ii model includes an lcd colour display and a full international alphabet keyboard with 29 characters. The spirometry incentive routine mir exclusive patent, allows the user to select the patients favourite image in order to get maximum compliance. Each function can be easily activated by a simple touch on the bar menu. Spirolab a fullservice design studio based in the sf bay area.
Just insert the user name and password in the following window. All in one portable desktop spirometer with oximetry option. The spirolab iii spirometer is fast, simple, durable, accurate, powerful, and innovative. User identification to access the net version of the software is necessary. Spirolab iii is available with two different displays. Miniflowmeter, user manual,ac adapter, comms cables, carry. The mir spirolab iv turbine touchscreen spirometer oximeter optional with builtin printer is a stand alone, wireless bluetooth 2. Mir spirolab spirometer with spirometry pc software. All new mir spirolab spirometer is an allinone, portable desktop spirometer with a 7inch color touchscreen and an optional pulse oximeter. Mir spirolab iii simplified operation manual pdf download. Spirolab led the entire rebrand of all online and marketing materials for my law firm and are consistently our top choice for design and brand development.
The mir intermedical spirolab features a large touch screen display, built in thermal printer and user interface specifically designed and developed for the uk. Mir cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the user of the device failing to follow the instructions and warnings contained in this manual. Mir spirolab 4 touch screen portable desktop spirometer. Page 1 77 thank you for choosing a product from mir medical international research the original packaging contains one of the following spirometers, complete with its standard accessories. Click the button below to add the mir spirolab new portable desktop. In the spirolab model the display is in blackwhite and the keyboard does not include the 29 international alphabet characters. Equipment and accesory list thank you for choosing a mir product medical international research the original packaging of the product contains one of the following spirometers with. The mir spirolab spirometer is feature rich with an extremely easy to use interface and intuitive navigation all on a large highresolution 7inch colour touch screen display. Perfect for use in any clinical andor occupational health settings, the spirolab can be used on the mains or independently with its internal rechargeable battery providing several hours of use. Colour lcd display bw lcd display unless otherwise specified, from this point onwards the term spirolab iii is used to refer to both models. The entire process from entering patient data, performing a test, through to obtaining results is seamless thanks to large on screen icons and easy to follow work flow. Fast and intuitive for modern professionals features and benefits. The mir spirolab light spirometer includes a carrying case, winspiro light software, cd user manual, roll of thermal paper, power plug, and usb cable. Spirolab spirolab ii users manual users manual rev.
Click the button below to add the mir spirolab new portable desktop spirometer with oximetry to your wish list. Click the button below to add the mir spirolab iii spirometer to your wish list. Perfect for use in any clinical or occupational health setting, the spirolab can be used on the mains or. The team is extremely efficient, ontime, and insanely talented a true inspiration to work with. Mir medical international research spirolab ii download. Page 2 the winspiropro pc software supplied with the device must be installed correctly to the pc before connecting. The spirolab spirometer comes with bluetooth and usb connectivity so you can connect wireless or via cable to your pc. Nov 22, 20 spirolab iii spirolab iii along with all standard accessories winspiropro cd, user manual cd, oximetry sensor, if available comes in a robust and lightweight carrying case. Mir spirolab iii spirometer canal medical store, inc. The few minutes you spend familiarizing yourself with the camera will guarantee you the best results and increase your pleasure in tak. If the user of spirolab iii is a person considered to be cognitively impaired, then the operation of the device must be made. Rechargeable battery and mains power temperature sensor. Spirolab iii complies with the new ats and ers standards. Kahntact medical has supplied the occupational health and medical markets with reliable and affordable new and preowned medical.
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